In this massage technique the therapist alternates temperatures with hot and cold stones improving the circulation to bring oxygenation, reduce inflammation and swelling, this massage energizes, stimulates and it is a great aid for an instant physical recovery.
60 MIN: $220 USD
90 MIN: $315 USD
Designed to remove all impurities and fade away the damage caused by pollution, Our comprehensive experience takes a full spectrum approach by caring for your skin and holistic wellbeing.
After analyzing skin type and needs, the application of a gentle exfoliating scrub and several hydrating and detoxifying masks, we tone and replenish at a deep cellular level to regain a new radiance.
75 MIN: $245 USD
Your daily dose of wellness, start your day off right with a delicious wellness shot of cold-pressed ginger, cayenne, ashwagandha, cordyceps, lion’s mane & 30mg of full-spectrum CBD per shot. The ultimate daily dose of roots, fruits, and adaptogenic mushrooms.